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Significance Test for a Mean of Differences (Topic 7.5)

Chapter 11 - Day 6

Learning Targets
  • Perform a significance test about a mean difference.

  • Determine when it is appropriate to use paired t procedures versus two-sample t procedures.

Activity: Does Memory Training Help? Part 2
Answer Key:
Stats Medic / Skew the Script Collaboration Lesson:
Climate Change Part 2
Answer Key:

To help decide between one sample and two sample t procedures, students should ask themselves:

  • How many samples do I have?

    • 0ne. μdiff

    • Two. μ1- μ2 (usually) Watch out for two samples that pair individuals.

  • Can any piece of data in the first group be compared to any piece of data in the second?

    • Yes. μ1- μ2

    • No, they must stay in pairs. μdiff

  • Do they reference pairing the data?

    • Yes. μdiff

    • No. μ1- μ2

Luke's Lesson Notes

Here is a brief video highlighting some key information to help you prepare to teach this lesson.

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