The Stats Medic AP Stats Exam Review Course launches February 1, and the countdown to the AP Exam starts! We've made this year's course even better by adding more content and features, including:
The Stats Medic Ultimate Inference Guide + Ultimate Interpretations Guide
Digital flash cards: 100 need-to-know concepts for the exam
Built-in Desmos review activities
Ability to monitor your own students' progress
A full diagnostic exam and a full practice AP Exam
Extra practice questions where students need it: Probability and Inference
Updated videos to reflect College Board 2020 changes
Closed captioning for all videos
Not just content videos, but also strategy videos

On top of this, the Review Course still includes everything from before. So you'll get:
30+ instructional videos with guided notes reviewing the entire AP Statistics curriculum, organized into 7 units.
100+ AP Exam Tips that will help students maximize their scores.
Practice multiple choice questions for each unit, with immediate feedback.
Practice free response questions for each unit, with instructions on how to grade using a rubric.
8 videos covering released College Board AP Exam free response questions and the rubrics used to grade them.
If you're a teacher, this couldn't be easier to use in your class. We've created detailed schedules based on the number of weeks you have to review. All documents are printable, so you can have all the materials ready for students. There are notes pages that go along with each video and so many practice problems.
Check out one of our content videos! It's on Type I and Type II Errors + Power (can you say 2018 question #6?). Here is the guided note page that students will use along with the video.
Fill out a quote request for your whole class, your whole school, or your whole district to see what discounts are available for large groups.