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Ask the Stats Medic

These posts are referenced in the Teacher’s Edition of The Practice of Statistics 6th edition.


How to Write a Great Test for AP Statistics

How to Grade Your AP Statistics Test

Chapter 1:


Experience First, Formalize Later

Why Teach Using Experience First, Formalize Later

How to Design an Experience First, Formalize Later Lesson

Knix the Trix: Except for SOCV and DUFS

How to Write a Great Test for AP Statistics

How to Grade Your AP Statistics Tests


Chapter 2:

Interpret the z-score (Like it’s Your Job)

Why Bother with z-scores and Table A?

Why do we Standardize Normal Distributions?

Table A or normalcdf?

Ban “IT” From Your Statistics Classroom


Chapter 3:

Barbie Bungee

Graphing Calculators are the New Slide Rule

Beware r by Itself!

How to Interpret the Slope of a Line of Best Fit

Correlation Does Not Mean Causation

Help Students Interpret r^2


Chapter 4:

The Gettysburg Address

Does Beyonce Write Her Own Lyrics?

Stratified Random Sample vs. Cluster Sample

Response Bias Project

Why Isn't Bias Accounted for by the Margin of Error


Chapter 5:


Mutually Exclusive Events?  Ask Turner

Best Friends Forever: Two-way Tables and Venn Diagrams

Applebees vs. Starbucks “OR”

Probability: 5 Strategies to Try Before Using a Formula

Using Two Aces to Introduce Probability

Introducing Independence: Does Mrs. Gallas Choke Under Pressure


Chapter 6:


Table A or normalcdf?

Using Memes to Teach Statistics


Chapter 7:


Decisions Made at Buffalo Wild Wings


Chapter 8:

What is statistical inference?

“Guess My Age” Activity

Interpret the z-score (Like it’s Your Job)


Chapter 9:


Build the Story of Inference

Tell the Whole Story: Evidence for Ha

The Holy Grail of AP Statistics

What is a Jerry Error?

Baseball Salaries and the Central Limit Theorem


Chapter 10:


Is Yawning Contagious?

Which Version of the AP Exam Was Harder?


Chapter 11:


Are These Dice “Loaded”?

Help: My Calculator Doesn’t Have a Chi-square GOF Test!

A Student Proof


Chapter 12:


Student Created Inference Test

Two 10-inch Pizzas or One 16-inch Pizza?

How Do I Help Students Review for the AP Statistics Exam?


AP Exam Review:​

Sneak Peak of the Stats Medic AP Exam Review

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