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Quiz 7.1 to 7.3

Chapter 7 - Day 4

Overall Notes
  • There is one version of this assessment provided in the Teacher Resources Materials (TRM). Use this assessment as-is or use it as a model to create your own. 

  • If you are making your own assessment, consider using the test bank and the ExamView software.


Common Student Errors
  • Students will sometimes confuse a sampling distribution with the distribution of a sample. A sampling distribution shows the possible values for a statistic (where each dot represents a different sample), while the distribution of a sample shows the specific values from each individual (where each dot represents a different individual). 

  • Students will sometimes confuse the sample size with the number of samples. Specifically, they need to know that increasing the sample size (not the number of samples) decreases the variability of the sampling distribution. 

  • Students often struggle with using the correct notation. They will use p when they mean phat or forget subscripts when describing the mean and standard deviation of the sampling distribution. Don't let this slide! Getting comfortable with correct notation now will benefit students greatly later in the course.

  • When doing normal distribution calculations, students often forget what must be included for full credit. We suggest requiring a picture to be drawn and labeled, work shown with a z-score calculation, and then a final answer.
  • When calculating an area to the right of a boundary value, students often forget to subtract the area in Table A away from 1. 
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